Wight of the Wild is is a comic project and Zine I worked on from January to April 2024.
The story is inspired by Norwegian folk tales, of stories and creatures that both inspired and scared me as a child. I started working on it while studying abroad in england, and realized no one here were familiar with those stories. Since then I have indulged in reading the stories over again, familiarizing myself with the world and creatures that show up there.
I want to share this passion with people who remember growing up with the same tales, younger folk who might have never heard them before and people who want to hear stories from old folk that they have never been able to enjoy before.

Wight of the Wild is a comic project dedicated to recreating the magic of old Norwegian folktales. Robin is a young boy living a on the outskirts of his local town. His passion is focused more on nature photography rather than any of his other school projects. Habits like wandering and getting lost in the forest, with only his camera for company, simply come naturally it him. That's when his life first starts taking a turn for the stranger. It can simply never be expected when the forest responds by revealing its own deepest secrets.

This project was displayed as part of the exhibition Reflections at Solent University Southampton.
I expanded the project to a 3-dimentional display with a stand of the character and a scene of the snowy forest as a backdrop. It created its own theater stage where I proudly displayed the completed zine for viewers to look through.